Monday, 10 March 2014

Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney Makes a Difference in His Community

Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney maintains a deep involvement in his local community. As a successful local attorney and public official, Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney has firmly entrenched himself as both a successful business professional and a person with strong roots in the Greensboro area.

Vaughan is respected for his commitment to service. His political career has helped many of his fellow citizens get the representative voice they deserve in local government. Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney is also a revered member of many important professional organizations, groups that exist to provide support to certain aspects of the community. He sits on the board of the Greensboro Merchants Association, the Greensboro Chamber of Commerce and the North Carolina Association of Realtors Management Committee. Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney is also a board member of Court Watch and the Greensboro Housing Coalition.

Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney genuinely cares about the health and well-being of his community. He gets involved because it provides him the chance to provide input on community and business improvement. Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney isn’t concerned with recognition. He is concerned with providing his family and his fellow residents a safe and enjoyable place to live; a place preserved for the enjoyment of many future generations.      

Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney teaches Sunday School at the Westminister Presbyterian Church, helping children learn more about their faith. He also serves on the Greensboro Sports Council, and is a cherished member of the Greensboro Rotary Club. Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney believes in getting involved and giving back.

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney: Public Servant

Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney has served his community in many ways. As a professional attorney, Donald R. Vaughan has represented numerous local citizens by defending their rights in court. As a community leader. Donald has taught Sunday School at his local church, provided valuable insight to the business community and provided leadership as a member of the Greensboro Sports Council.

As a public servant, Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney has served as a voice for the voters, expressing their concerns and voting on their behalf as a member of the North Carolina State Senate. He has been highly-regarded for his commitment to serve the public, and through an extensive career in both politics and in the legal profession, Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney has proven his commitment to creating a stronger and more effective community.

Donald has been a member of the North Carolina State Senate and the Greensboro City Council. As a Councilmember, Donald R. Vaughan was successfully re-elected to his seat for seven straight terms. He even had the opportunity to serve as Mayor Pro Tem from 1996 to 2000. Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney served the constituents of Greensboro well, and became a trusted source of wisdom on the City Council.

Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney enjoyed providing his fellow Greensboro residents with a constant source of inspiration and representation on the council. He also received much fulfillment from his two terms as a North Carolina State Senator. The opportunity to serve one’s community as an elected official had a deep impact on the life of Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney: Why You Need A Good Lawyer

Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney emphasizes the need for solid legal representation. He has been working in the legal profession for over 30 years, and is able to provide valuable insight into the ins and outs of the court system, prosecuting attorneys, and how important it is to have an expert on your side.

A good attorney is necessary to combat an often well-prepared and passionate prosecution, says Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney. The government almost always has unlimited resources at their disposal, not too mention the financial support of the taxpayer. Prosecuting attorneys are passionate about getting convictions, says Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney, and many will stop at nothing to get a person processed quickly. Someone who is convicted of a crime needs an expert who has the research, investigation and preparation skills to develop a strong defense. As a professional advocate, Donald R. Vaughan states the need for someone who has experience navigating the legal system; someone with the resources, savvy and experience necessary to guide a client through the legal process.

Donald R. Vaughan,Attorney is the lead advocate of Donald R. Vaughan and Associates, a North Carolina law firm that has experience in multiple different areas of the law. Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney has worked cases from all over the legal spectrum, and has even been able to obtain official governor pardons for clients wrongfully convicted of major crimes. He understands how tricky the legal system can be, and how important it is to have someone advocating for your rights.