Saturday, 8 March 2014

Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney: Public Servant

Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney has served his community in many ways. As a professional attorney, Donald R. Vaughan has represented numerous local citizens by defending their rights in court. As a community leader. Donald has taught Sunday School at his local church, provided valuable insight to the business community and provided leadership as a member of the Greensboro Sports Council.

As a public servant, Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney has served as a voice for the voters, expressing their concerns and voting on their behalf as a member of the North Carolina State Senate. He has been highly-regarded for his commitment to serve the public, and through an extensive career in both politics and in the legal profession, Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney has proven his commitment to creating a stronger and more effective community.

Donald has been a member of the North Carolina State Senate and the Greensboro City Council. As a Councilmember, Donald R. Vaughan was successfully re-elected to his seat for seven straight terms. He even had the opportunity to serve as Mayor Pro Tem from 1996 to 2000. Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney served the constituents of Greensboro well, and became a trusted source of wisdom on the City Council.

Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney enjoyed providing his fellow Greensboro residents with a constant source of inspiration and representation on the council. He also received much fulfillment from his two terms as a North Carolina State Senator. The opportunity to serve one’s community as an elected official had a deep impact on the life of Donald R. Vaughan, Attorney.

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